New super-loft wedge is the club those big brands refuse to make… and it’s going to make you  a short game wizard

Use Your Chipping Swing to Launch High-Flying Flop Shots and Escape Bunkers Like a Pro with the Hummingbird 70° Wedge

“When you have the Hummingbird, you feel like Phil Mickelson.”

Emmy-Winning Investigative Reporter and 3-Time Golf Digest Instructor of the Year Discuss the Hummingbird Wedge

Your buddies exchange a glance and a grimace.


They can’t believe you’re trying this again.


Oh sure, it’s the right shot for the situation.


Your ball behind a gaping bunker.


The flag about four paces on the other side of the sand.

Green sloping away from you like a black diamond ski run.

No doubt, the flop shot is your only chance to get it close.


But your buddies, well, they know what’s about to happen.


They’ve seen this act before.


So as you ponder the shot, they start making bets.

“Ten bucks says he chunks it into the bunker,”  Carl whispers to Sammy.

“You’re on,”  Sammy chortles under his breath. “I say he skulls it into the azaleas.”

Meanwhile, you make a series of earnest practice swings with your sand wedge.


“Open your stance, open the face,” you think out loud.


“Swing across the ball and accelerate through impact.”


Hey, at least you know what you’re supposed to do.

Alas. Actually doing it is a whole ‘nother story.


You pick a landing spot between the sand and the stick… address the ball… take the club back and…


Put 10 easy bucks in Carl’s pocket.


Sammy starts to hand it over, then pulls it away.


“Same bet on this bunker shot,” he tells Carl, who nods with a smirk.


You trudge into the sand and repeat the routine.


“Open your stance, open the face,” you mutter through gritted teeth.


“Swing across the ball and accelerate through impact.”


A few seconds later, Sammy reclaims the cash.


Turns out they’ve been passing the same raggedy $10 bill back and forth since TVs had tubes.


Because you keep doing what you’re doing.


And keep getting what you’re getting.


It’s amusing to them. But it’s driving you insane.


Of course, it’s not just you.

If I had a dime for every amateur I’ve seen execute an honest-to-goodness flop shot with a conventional wedge…


I’d have about 30 cents.

Sand shots prove darn near as difficult.


Which begs a couple of questions. First…

What makes these short little shots so friggin’ hard?

You’re probably thinking it’s the technique, right?


You’re not wrong. The real blame, though, lies with your club.


Let me explain.


Trying to hit the ball sky-high with a 56° or even 60° wedge requires serious skills. The same goes for sand shots.


You’ve got to open the clubface, aiming it well right of the target (assuming you’re right-handed).

You’ve got to open your stance to point way left.


Then you’ve got to make a firm, full swing, with the goal of hitting the ball 10 – 20 yards.


That, my friend, take some major cojones.


Here’s the thing, though.


Thanks to the club’s design, those adjustments actually make these shots harder .



On the flop shot, for instance, opening the blade decreases the club’s effective hitting area – and cutting across the ball shrinks it even more.


Hence, making solid contact is harder than folding a fitted sheet with one hand.


Opening the face also increases the club’s bounce, which boosts your odds of “drop-kicking” the ball into the next area code.


Oh, and it doesn’t help that the typical wedge has a narrow sole and a sharp leading edge – so if the club doesn’t bounce off the turf, it digs into it. Can you say chunkola?


Finally, there’s the wedge’s relatively flat lie angle, which forces you to swing on a major arc and manipulate the clubface to square it at impact. That brings your hands and wrists into the picture – not exactly a recipe for success… or consistency.


Now you know why these situations make amateurs look like what they are – amateurs.


It’s because conventional wedges demand near-perfect execution of a complicated technique.


Which brings us to question No. 2:

What can you do when you need to hit a high lob or a soft, spinning bunker shot?

The Hummingbird H7 70° Wedge

“It’s like a cheat code for your short game.” – Todd Kolb, 3-time Golf Digest Best-in-State teacher

What makes the Hummingbird Wedge so special?


Where do I start?


There’s the extreme yet incredibly practical loft angle.


The ultra-wide, silky smooth “AirX” sole.


The massive, super-forgiving clubface.

The center-stripe alignment guide… the anti-dig lie angle… the face-squaring grip line…


On and on it goes.


Of course, all the cool design features on earth don’t mean diddly if they don’t help you save strokes.


Trust me – these will.


Actually, you don’t have to take my word for it.


Take it from the golfers who got to try the Hummingbird Wedge before it went to market.


Golfers like Carl Best, a 14 handicapper.


“It’s the best wedge that I’ve ever tried the first time,” he said. “There’s really no learning involved in it. Aim it and swing it.”


And 20 handicap Dick Christman.


“I’ve been golfing for 40 years and I could never master my wedge,” he told us. “I’ve been out here for 15 or 20 minutes (with the Hummingbird) and I’m pretty good. The Hummingbird’s wonderful.


Then there was Cyril Fitzgerald, a 28, who went there:

“When you have the Hummingbird, you feel like Phil Mickelson.”

That’s exactly what we were aiming for when crafting the H7 Wedge.


Let’s take a look at the features that make it one-of-a-kind. 

1. Extreme loft means never opening the face  for a high lob or sand shot

The whole reason you have to lay the blade open with a 56° or 60° wedge is to add loft.


So wouldn’t it make sense to simply start with ample loft, allowing golfers to just set up square to the target?


We thought so, and that’s what we did. Amateur testing validated our decision.

“It feels like there’s a flop shot built right into the face of the club,” said Damon Kessler, a 16 handicap.


Added Cyril Fitzgerald: “You just set up like you would with a regular club, and you swing the Hummingbird just with a full, easy swing and it goes right at the target. You get excellent loft (and) the Hummingbird puts you right on the green.”


Another huge benefit to all that loft: It removes a very big variable – how much the ball will run after landing.


Think about your current wedge set. From the pitching wedge through lob wedge, their lofts are likely in this range: 45° – 50° – 55° – 60°.


There’s probably one, maaaayyybe two, that you’re pretty comfortable with.


But each wedge flies a different distance at a different trajectory. Each requires its own special skill set. You have to calculate some amount of roll with all of them.


Put the Hummingbird in your bag and you can ditch the 55° and 60° wedges,  keeping the 45° and 50° clubs for full and mid-length shots.


You’ll also whittle down the time needed to practice greenside shots with all four wedges. Once you get the hang of the Hummingbird, the short game becomes simple.


Oh and if you struggle with the bump-and-run? The H7 Wedge is the cure for what ails ya.


“With the Hummingbird, I know I can just fly it straight at the hole and not worry about anything else,” said Carl Best.

2. Wide, channeled sole glides easily across turf, through sand and even gnarly rough

How many times have you stuck your wedge in the ground trying to hit a pitch?


Opened the face, only to hit an inch behind the ball and catch it at the equator – sending it sailing over the green?


Or simply left a ball in the bunker?


With the Hummingbird Wedge and its extra-wide “AirX” sole, those days are over.

Wide-soled wedges have gained in popularity – and the Hummingbird takes the technology to the next level.

On the bottom of the club you’ll see a series of channels, which reduce interference with grass and sand. 


The AirX sole’s gentle curvature and width prevent digging and snagging,  too.


“This doesn’t dig and it doesn’t bounce,” said Mike Cole, a 13 handicap at age 73. “It just slides right through.”


Damon Kessler noted an important by-product of this feature.


“I had all the confidence in the world after hitting this a few times,” he said. “I feel like I can hit it from anywhere and I’m still gonna make clean contact.


“It’s given me a totally different perspective on my wedge game.”

3. Upright lie angle limits rotation, so you can play lobs and even bunker shots with a chipping-style swing

We thought about putting this first on the list. Many Hummingbird buyers have told us it’s their favorite thing.


The standard wedge has a lie angle of 64°. The Hummingbird is more upright (vertical), so you’ll stand closer to the ball.


What’s the big deal?


When you stand closer, you’ll naturally swing less around your body and more up and down the target line.

That keeps the clubface square and eliminates the need to flip the blade closed with your hands and wrists.

In other words, you can play high pitches and sand shots with more of an arms-and-shoulders, chipping-style swing.


And that, my friends, means consistently solid contact.


With the Hummingbird, Mike Cole said, “I don’t have to do a lot of body motion. I could just kind of stand there and swing it. This makes the game fun.”

4. Alignment aids on the clubface and grip help you take dead aim – and put the ball right where you want it

Your driver probably has an alignment aid to help you set up to the target. Your putter almost certainly does.


For whatever reason, few wedges offer such guidance.


And none make alignment as simple as the Hummingbird.

The center-line stripe runs straight down the clubface,  dead on the sweet spot. And it works perfectly because you never have to open the blade.

We also added a vertical stripe down the center of the Hummingbird’s grip to make lining up the clubface that much easier.


And when you know your aim is on the money, your confidence to fly it to the flag grows that much more.


“The Hummingbird allowed me to just point and shoot right to the pin, placing it right where I wanted it,” Kessler marveled. “It takes the guesswork out.”

 5. Oversized clubface forgives your miss-hits  like no other wedge

The center-line stripe helps you visualize (and make) pure contact, too.


But when you don’t, there’s plenty of sweet spot to save your misses.


The H7 Wedge boasts twice the clubface area of a standard wedge,  so you set up with absolute certainty you’ll catch it pretty solid.


Small miscues still get plenty of height and distance, and you’ll lose little if any accuracy on heel or toe contact.

In a word, this wedge is stable.  Finally, your short game will be, too.

Actually, it will be much better than that.


With the H7 Wedge in your arsenal, you’ll relish the chance to pull off shots you’ve always feared.


The “Phil Flop”? Piece of cake.


Tricky pitch from thick rough? Child’s play.

Bunker blast over a tall lip? Candy from a baby.


Think of it this way:

When you’ve got the Hummingbird Wedge, there’s no such thing as being “short-sided.”

That can free you up to be more aggressive on approach shots, leading to more birdie opportunities.


No doubt about it – a better short game produces a ripple effect from green to tee.


And that’s one reason I can promise you’ll shoot lower scores with the H7 Wedge. Let me spell it out more clearly:

H7 Hummingbird 70° Wedge

  • Take the guesswork out and fly to hole
  • Eliminate the bump and run—never putt off the green again
  • Use a simple chipping motion with no hands
  • Straight back and straight through
  • Graphics on the face that help you swing it right at the target
  • Never open the face as the loft is built right in
  • Large forgiving face built for high lob shots
  • Air x sole that never digs and glides along turf and sand
  • Never take a full swing to get the ball in the air
Traditional wedge Flop Shot Flaws
  • Open the Face- Aim left – and take a huge swing
  • Sole that digs into the dirt causing fat shots 
  • Not enough loft to hit high lofts, so forces you to open the face
  • Small face size and tiny sweet spot
  • Flat lie angle forces you to swing around your body, so the clubface is never square through impact zone
  • Forces you to use your wrists and unreliable tiny muscles
  • Leading Edge bounces into the ball when the clubface is open causing rocket blades that send the ball over the green
Traditional Wedge forces you to aim left -- open the face and take a full swing to get the ball in the air?

Never swing hard again to hit soft high lob shots that stop and spin -- right by the pin.

There’s no need to swing as hard as the pros do when the loft is automatically built in the wedge.
Here's the ugly truth.
Open-faced conventional wedge               H7 Hummingbird 70° Wedge
The traditional shaped wedge used for flop shots by the pros and amateurs today requires the hands of a skilled surgeon to pull off...

The head is small....tiny

You have to open the face wide open

Sweetspot is the size of a dime.

The sole is thin and digs right into the ground.

No wonder most amateurs struggle with high lofted shots using the traditional smaller wedge design on the market today.
This “brought back from the dead” new category of wedge called super-loft wedge is not for everyone.

It's the golfer that has experienced these type of on-course meltdowns

Get out of every bunker in one shot without opening the face. The Air-X super-wide sole glides along the sand without digging and will easily clear the lip of any bunker.

You'll surprise yourself the first time you step up and hit an impossible “Phil-style” flop shot.

You'll shave strokes off your score as your short game becomes consistent and predictable—for the first time ever.

You may even start hoping for your ball to land this side of the bunker…

just so you can step up confidently, carry the sand and stick your shot a few feet from the pin.

And get ready for your golf buddies to say things like,  “Wow. How'd you do that?”  before they start  asking YOU  for flop-shot pointers.
Open-faced conventional wedge         H7 Hummingbird 70° Wedge

Award-winning Engineer (previously with Adams and Taylor Made) Jeff Halstead is the mastermind behind this Super-Loft wedge.

"I have been in the golf business and directly involved with product development for PING, Adams Golf, Yes! Golf and other manufacturers. This product is one of the rare breakthroughs in design and function that will help golfers of levels hit high lob shots around the green. Using the loft built into the club with a simpler/straighter motion is a game-changer.  This club will make golf more fun and that’s what design innovation should be all about."
-- Blair Phillip
"My husband [U.S. Army Colonel] recently purchased the Hummingbird club. 
I have struggled for years to learn the proper techniques (club face angle, hit the sand, follow through, open stance feet, etc. etc.)  But the very first time I tried the hummingbird, I was OUT!  and on the green! I’m afraid it feels like cheating.
Had to have a Hummingbird in my own bag, so I ordered one also.  The major brands hype new technology, new materials, etc., yet they remain basically the same equipment.  The Hummingbird feels revolutionary and is truly a game changer.
Thank you!"
-- Susan Fried
"No Dig -- straight up in the air”
"I was even pitching it off of the green surface"
"Super easy!”
-- Mike McGavin- Santa Barbara- CA

Miracle Shot Story…

"Every year I take a trip with my College Buds.
We have done this for over 20 years and its a great way to stay in touch with old friends.
This year we decided to play golf—just a quick 9 at a local course in Oregon.
My good friend is a 32+ handicap and never plays.
I told him about our new wedge and said “we’ll try it on the course".
He was shocked when he saw the loft at 70 degrees but he had to try it.
So we are on Hole #4 and keep in mind—He can barely make contact with the ball at times and hardly finishes a hole.
He’s over the green by 15 yards with ZERO chance to get it close.
No green to work with- Pin cut within 8 feet.
Short sided...
Can barely see the pin below the green….
In thick rough….
20-yard shot.
Odds that a 32+ handicap would get this on the green = low.
I said—"Try this new wedge".
Handed him the H7 Hummingbird and he smiled.
He set up square.
Used a simple straight back and straight through motion.
He set up square.
Used a simple straight back and straight through motion.
Didn’t open the face.
And all of the sudden— We see this towering lob shot come from behind the green and lands super soft...
And right by the hole!
The guys in the group started yelling and couldn’t believe it and everyone wanted to try this wedge.
It’s fun to use and it works!"
 -- Andy - 44-Year-Old Dentist from North Carolina 32 Handicap

The Hummingbird Wedge 60-day guarantee: Save strokes or get your money back.

The big brands don’t offer anything like the H7 Wedge. They can’t touch this guarantee, either.


Once your wedge arrives, you get two months to put it to the test.

Practice all you want, wherever you please – in the sand, rough, fairway, hardpan or, heck, even pine straw.


Use it on the course to tackle those nightmare scenarios we’ve already discussed.


If the Hummingbird doesn’t measurably improve your up-and-down percentage...


If it doesn’t consistently bail you out of jail…


Heck, if it simply doesn’t fit with the rest of your set…

Send it back and we’ll refund the full purchase price.



It’s a nothing-to-lose proposition. And you’ve got so much to gain.

As for your buddies, well, just imagine the next time they bet on you botching a flop shot.


“This one’s going sideways – a shank into the water,” Carl tells Sammy.


“Nope,” Sammy replies. “A two-yard chunk, coming right up.”


You know what they’re up to, of course. You’ve known about their little side game for years.


But now, finally, it’s time to turn the tables.


You shoot your pals a wink and shock them with a challenge.


“Ten bucks says I stick it inside three feet,” you grin. “Double if I hole it.”


Carl and Sammy nod in agreement. It’s obvious they’re a little bit shocked.


This time, you step to the ball with a new set of instructions.


“Square stance,” you think to yourself. “Take dead aim and knock this sucker stiff.”


You swing aggressively, full of confidence… catch the ball flush and send it sky-high.


It plunks down softly, inches from the cup and…


“I’ll take that ratty old 10 off your hands, Sammy,” you say. “Carl, you can pay me at the clubhouse.”


Order your Hummingbird Wedge today – and get ready to have a whole lot of fun.

What are you waiting for?!
Get your H7 Hummingbird Wedge Today!

70° Loft

Single Club




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70° Loft - Right Handed
58° Loft - Right Handed
64° Loft - Right Handed
70° Loft - Left Handed
58° Loft - Left Handed
64° Loft - Left Handed

70/58° Loft

2-Club Bundle




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70° 2-Loft right Handed
70° Lofts - Left Handed

70/64/58° 3-Loft

3-Club Bundle




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70° 3-Loft right Bundle
70° Lofts - Left Handed
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